Being charged with a crime is serious and often disorienting. Although you are “innocent until proven guilty,” facing criminal charges without competent legal counsel is never wise. The police and prosecuting authorities, with unlimited resources, play a role in our criminal justice system that is purposefully designed to be “adverse” to the criminally accused. Simply put, if you’re charged with a crime, your interests take a back seat to the interests of the community at large, who the police and prosecuting authorities seek convictions for. In this way, facing criminal charges can be an uphill battle.

Nearly half of the Bill of Rights protect the interests of the criminally accused. Here, we make sure you receive the benefit of each right and put the Commonwealth to task.

Criminal Defense Cases Tried


DUI &TrafficOffenses



Theft &White-CollarCrimes



Serious issues deserve serious attention.

Fill out the form or call 412-896-1349 to speak with a defense attorney.

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